MINI 6.50

The Mini class was created following the first Mini Transat in 1977: this new solo offshore race, created by the British Bob Salmon in reaction to the exorbitant budgets required for the traditional headlining races, enabled small boats of 6.50 metres maximum to cross the Atlantic single handed. The Transat was christened the Mini Transat, referencing the very small size of the boats taking part.
Classe Mini is responsible for the Rules and regulations. It now counts approximately 300 members, mainly racers, from all socio-professional categories, from carpenters to engineers, nurses to stewards, journalists to professional skippers.
The Mini Class, is first and foremost a collective of people passionate about these wonderful small boats, who want to share their enjoyment of devilish surfs, budget miseries, days spent waiting for wind and all the delights the oceans offer.
Mini class boats are divided into prototype and production boats. Usually, races are split into two rankings, one for each type of boat.
Production boats are certified when, in addition to meeting all the specificities of the Mini Rule, they are one of a series of ten absolutely identical boats produced by the same contractor and the builder has been visited by representatives of the Mini Class.
Prototypes are boats that meet the requirements of the Rules, but can be improved and modified to increase their performance. This open-minded approach to innovation has made the Mini class a constant laboratory for innovation in offshore racing. Many improvements in offshore racing boats in general (carbon masts, canting keels, etc) have been tested on Minis before being applied to larger boats.
Find out more about the Mini boats and the Mini class HERE